One good thing about hotdog rollers or even a hotdog steamer is that they require little to no setup. Simply plug in the machine and adjust the heating settings to the desired temperature.
A hotdog bun steamer is also easy to set, as you just add some water to the reservoir and then plug it in. The hotdog machine will need a few minutes to properly warm up before any hot dogs can be placed on the roller, though. The hotdogs will turn approximately two times per minute when placed on a hot dog roller.
Normal sized hotdogs will be cooked within 15 to 20 minutes while thicker hotdogs will need more time to cook. Check the internal temperature first to ensure it is safe to eat and inspect the outside of the hotdog to make sure it is cooked. The hot dogs can be kept warm by turning down the heat after they are cooked fully.
Some hot dog roller machines come with bun storage that is just underneath the appliance. This additional hotdog bun steamer feature can be convenient especially in times when hot dogs are in high demand. Bun steamers can also keep the buns warm.
A Hot Dog Roller Varies In Production Size
A hotdog machine will usually come in two different models: corral and flat. The corral model moves the hot dogs up and down for an even and thorough cooking. Hot dogs that are cooked on a corral grill tend to be juicier and retain more flavors. They also offer a better merchandising affect from a distance within your store or vending concession equipment stand. The other roller model is the flat grill which cooks each hot dog on its own individual roller to ensure that it cooks evenly.
Shape is not the only difference in hot dog roller machines. They can also differ in its heat control system. Some machines have manual controls where the heat can be adjusted to any temperature at any time. The other option is to have the hot dog grill electronically controlled. Hot dog roller machines that are electronically controlled adjust the heat and cooking time automatically. The electronic controls will ensure that the hotdogs are cooked to safe temperatures.
Hot dog roller machines are used mainly by movie theaters, concession stands or any place that sells food. Hot dog rollers are convenient because they cook the hot dogs thoroughly and keep them warm until they are sold. Hotdog cookers can be used in the home or can be found at sporting events. The hotdog cooker does not just cook hot dogs but can also be used to warm sausages, taquitos or bread sticks.
A Residential Grade Hot Dog Roller Might Only Feed A Small Family
Nostalgia Electrics is a company that produces hot dog roller machines and sells them in a variety of stores. Nostalgia Electrics also sells a variety of concession equipment on their website. The concession equipment sold by Nostalgia Electrics is made from high quality materials and will last for a long time.
There are two types of hotdog roller grill surfaces that customers can choose from: non-stick or chrome. Non-stick rollers will be the easiest to clean up but chrome surfaces will last much longer.
A good quality hotdog machine will usually come in a variety of sizes which depend on the amount of hot dogs that are needed. Smaller rollers will accommodate 20 hotdogs at one time while the larger models can hold up to 75 hotdogs. A commercial grade hot dog maker with bun storage can hold up to 48 buns at one time.
Movie theaters, concession stands and even a single family home can benefit from using a hot dog roller machine. The machine is great for cooking many hot dogs at one time and keeping them warm while they are waiting to be eaten. A hot dog roller can cook most cylindrical food that is placed on them, as well such as brats, and sausage links, etc.
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